Jamie Gruber Blog/Newsletter/Avoid the Tragic Mistakes of Houston's Foreclosed Apartment Units - Key Lessons Inside
Tuesday, May 09, 2023
Avoid the Tragic Mistakes of Houston's Foreclosed Apartment Units - Key Lessons Inside
April 18, 2023 Newsletter.
Houston recently saw the foreclosure of 3,200 apartment units, sparking speculation of fraud and fleeing by the lead operator. Instead of getting into conjecture, let's extract some key lessons from this tragedy:
#1 - The Irony of Judgment: It's common for people to justify their complacency and fear to push their limits when someone who seemed successful fails. Instead of justifying inaction, learn from their mistakes.
#2 - Small Moves = Big Results: Making small, consistent efforts towards your goals can lead to big results. The "big risk big reward" stories are the exception, not the rule.
#3 - Be Present: It's important to enjoy the process of pursuing your goals and not just focus on the outcome. Don't lose sight of what's important.
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